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Norman Mclean’s A River Runs Through It investigates numerous sentiments and encounters of one â€Å"turn of the century†...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Finance Proposal Essay

.1.INTRODUCTION: This research is an overview that how organization can improve their output by information system planning and implementation? Ethical and professional practices as well as effective risk management, improving the outcomes and monitoring the performance.ERP system gives flexibility, quick response.ERP was introduced in early 1990’s to cope with the requirements of the market. This system is difficult to get in practice as it has many modules and can be modified according to the need of an organization. 1.1Company’s introduction SSGC (Sui Southern Gas company limited) is the Pakistan’s most leading company. Its purpose to provide natural gas to all the regions of the country. Beside transmission construction off all high and low pressure distribution systems. The vision of the company is to provide excellent services by maintaining high level of ethical and professional standards. The mission of the company is to meet the needs of the customers in friendly environment and securing the the responsibility of all stakeholders. 1.2ERP Overview: Question arises what is actually ERP? How it works? ERP are software packages comprise different modules e.g. Human resource, sales, marketing etc. These software’s can be modified according to the needs of the department of an organization.ERP system is not a project which will end one day, they are the way of life. However ERP does not guarantee the solutions of the problems but those who will understand and implement it will be most likely to succeed. 1.3Importance of ERP: ERP is the most important and effective tool used in today’s time across the globe. It is not that easy for business people to start competing on global scale because there will be complications and hardship for them to line-up their operations and processes and makes them works smoothly.ERP is not the solution to all problems . Researches From the beginning ERP was the most expensive tool only handful companies afford it at that time. Even it was difficult for workers to accept and work with new tool, due to lack of knowledge about the ERP tool workers failed to make it useful and how to implement it companies’ purchases falling in loss. Setting up the ERP system in organization is complex and time consuming minimum time for fully implementation for big organization is six months and maximum eighteen months for some reasons. It is important for workers to understand and have plenty of knowledge about the tool so it gone a be easy for organizations to meet its needs, Every organization have different needs and make it ERP tools more effective to meet the needs of an organization. 1.4Dominant factors in ERP: Different studies has been conducted on critical factors that should be carefully analyzes to make possible and successful implementation of an ERP project. Implementation of ERP project on all levels carried out by these factors. Researches highlighted these factors play important role in ERP implementation. These factors monitor all stages of ERP implementation top management, experienced project management, world class training are all main factors of ERP project. 1.5Dimensions and phases of ERP: ERP life cycle phases contains many stages that ERP system goes through longer span of life hosting within an organization. Following are the phases of life cycle of ERP. 1. Adoption decision phase 2. Acquisition phase 3. Implementation phase 4. Maintenance phase 5. Evolution phase Retirement phase. In ERP dimensions first preference is to analyzing phases of life cycle which are 1)product 2)process 3)People 4)change management. 1.6Advantages and disadvantages of ERP: ERP system has more advantages than disadvantages. Its been used to solving number of problems that are faced by large organizations. Using this technology a company can get a path to sucees but it does not guarantee it, This technology costs very high so every organization can not implement it .It is complex system only trained employees can modify it according to the need of an organization Otherwise it is useless and wastage of time and money. 1.7 Research problem: * To find out the factors of implementation of ERP. * To analyze the structure and planning of ERP in Sui Southern Gas Company Limited. 1.8Objective: * To overview the implementation of ERP in Sui Southern Gas Company. * To explain the importance of ERP as best practice in an organization. 1.9Limitations: There are many limitations in our current study due to which our research work got effected. Due to limitation of time(4 months) we do not at this point differentiate between alternative explanations for our findings. Also due to the limited financial resources. 2.Literature Review 2.1Social capital: Social capital :is the way to secure benefits via social networks. These benefits include gaining knowledge about network norms. It also represents the benefits of the benefits of members of human networks and communities. Repetition of interaction between people while they perform routine actions and work and procedure will form and transfer information .Social capital bridges the gap between the people within organization. Social capital; enhances communication, collaboration, knowledge access between the employees of organization. Social capital exploits knowledge and information skills. It is positively much related to post implementation learning. 2.2Post implementation: It is the process in which knowledge is created through experience. Post implementation gives an idea to look after its implementation. Post implementation focus on effectiveness of training before making any project operational.ERP is the complex system and limits the amount of knowledge. There is a gap between the usage and potential of technology. Post implementation learning realizes the firm specific of knowledge within the organization which is the key to know the potential of technology. Social capital is positively related to Post implementation learning Post training Self efficacy: 2.3Post training Self efficacy: Self efficacy defines ones maximum capabilities to perform its task to accept the situations face by an organizations which brings changes in behavior and decisions taken by employee. According to Campeau and Higgins (1995)introduce to IT field that’s computer self efficacy is only the believe that how an individual can use computer effectively. Self-efficacy is just a construct during the acqui ions of new technology. Self-efficacy can be improved by trading internalizing the conceptual models into their mental model to fill the gaps in understandings, it can provide knowledge and experience. It also provides the firm believer of an individual to perform specific task according to his or her ability after training, self- efficacy positively related to motivation learning and skills. 2.4ERP usage: ERP performs different task and it refers to the usage of the ERP system on individual basis in an organization such as problem solving and customer services.ERP usage gives competitive advantage competency and increase in productivity. The ERP system integrative the characteristics that learn new knowledge and skills training gives the brief idea of proper implementation of ERP systems and it doesn’t ensure that sustain the stability. Post implementation and obtaining knowledge based on practical work communication and feedback and knowledge transfer to improve ERP usage and major progress can be seen in the financial suggestion of an organizations it also give vast area for knowledge transfer from social networks ERP system has different modules and factors usage of ERP highly dependent on the training of employs and modification of ERP software’s according to the need of an organizations. 2.5ERP Impact: ERP gives a brief summary on the research of success of information system concluding six major categories system quality, quality of information, use, user satisfaction, individual and organization impact. ERP impact depend on the individual uses of knowledge and information of the technology. According to delone and mclean (1992) suggested that â€Å"Individual impact is closely related to performance with the impact indicating whether IS has given the users a better understanding has improved their productivity has produced to change their activities and change the perception of importance and usefulness of IS.† Continuous learning of the system leads to the reminding and modifying but absence will cause the gap and will effect the performance of individual work 3.Conceptual Framework: 3.1.Independent variable: * Social capital * Post training self efficacy Social Capital ERP impact ERP usage Post implementation learning Post training Self efficacy Fig. 2.Conceptual Framework 3.2. Dependent variable: * Post implementation learning * ERP usage * ERP Impact 4. Research methodology: Research methodology is financial in this research. It focuses on the implementation and planning of ERP system in SUI southern gas company. financial assessment helps us to analyze the financial position of organization. trends and abnormalities can also be highlighted and determined through these analysis. 5. Sources of data collection: 5.1.Primary source of data collection: Data for this research has been collected from the visits of company and help was taken from personal contacts, meetings and discussions and with executives. 5.2. Secondary source of data collection:It was collected from annual reports, institute magazines, department manuals, and the data was gathering by the 6 published research paper. 5.2. Statistical tools: Descriptive statistic and other test are employed. 6. Findings: Analysis shows positive trend in the company. As the profitability increases every year. The abnormalities shown in the analysis are clearly defined in notes at the back of annual report.The company indicates good asset position of the company. The company also got sufficient reserves and Surplus to meet the future financial contingencies of the company. Company considers Corporate Social Responsibility as one of the pivotal functions to accelerate the process of overall sustainable development and make significant contribution to Nation building. 7. Conclusion: The research which we have done gives a relative briefing by the ERP system. We have analyzed that ERP usage can give Competitive atmosphere in productivity and personal competency, by the powerful and integrative characteristics of ERP usage, the knowledge and skills increases. ERP usage and impact increases after the implementation. Although ERP is the best practice but it does not guarantee success.

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